Friday, December 5, 2008

The Boat Jesus Taught From ???

Is this the boat Jesus taught from? ... passed by when walking on water ... and then helped the sinking Peter to step into? ... slept in and awoke in to calm the Sea?

We don't know!! But it was probably a boat like this. This boat was found in the mud of the Sea of Galilea preserved for 2000 years by MUD. What we do know is that this is the kind of boat Jesus' disciples fished from and the type of boat that was so often a prop in his ministry.

Luke 5:1-11 Jesus longs to step into our boat and show us things we have never seen. He longs for us to see him as the glorious Savior he is... his glory ... his forgiving heart... his eternal purpose for our lives... FROM NOW ONE YOU WILL CATCH MEN. Have you listened to the heart of Jesus in your boat? How would he have you use your boat for his glory?

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