Thursday, December 4, 2008

December 3 We Made IT!!!

(In the picture is our tour Guide, Pastor Jon Trinklein from Shepherds gate in Shelby township) WE MADE IT! We left Detroit Metro for Newark airport around 4:30 PM Eastern Time … Flew to Newark and landed at about 6:15 PM … Waited for our flight to Israel from Newark for nearly 5 hours … Took off from Newark at 10:40 PM … lost 8 hours as we flew to the other side of the world … landed at 8:30 AM our time and 4:30 PM Israel time. … Pretty exhausting but exciting to be walking on the soil that Jesus walk … Overlooking the sea where Jonah was swallowed by the big fish … and hearing and seeing everywhere around us the Hebrew language that Jesus spoke in the synagogue as he was growing up.

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