Thursday, December 4, 2008

December 4th First Stop Caesarea by the Sea

Our first stop today was Caesarea. This was a city built by Herod the Great. The ampitheatre was an amazing structure built some time just before Christ. The city was the main port of Jesus day. It was a state of the art show piece of Herod. There were baths, a hippodrome to race horses and a man made harbor clad in marble that one historian said would blind you if you looked at it in the bright thing. The funny thing is that it now lies in ruins. But the one they called Christ, a carpenters son from Nazareth, who was seemingly insignificant to King Herod and his son Agrippa ... has built a church that is over 2 billion strong. Herod has decreased into ruin... Christ has risen to the name above every name. Jesus always has the final word!!

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