Thursday, December 4, 2008

Empty Tomb

We had a phenomonal day. We are exhausted. Jet lag ... but I think even more a spiritual reality that strikes us all. God is REAL. His love for us is profoundly real. His promises are REAL. The tomb in the picture sits along one of the roads that lead from Mt. Carmel to Megiddo. It is from the time of Christ and reminds of the Savior who could not be held by death!! A Savior who rescues us from ALL our enemies. A Savior who loves us deeply and walks with us and will come again. Repent, Believe, LIVE FREE AND IN ANTICIPATION OF THE CELEBRATION TO COME!


Anonymous said...

Dad, This blog is incredibly impressive. As your son, I'm quite proud. Glad to see everything is going well. It makes me want to go there someday.
Love You,

In Jesus' Open Arms said...

Thank you. I love you and can't wait to be home with you... The trip is incredible again. Our faith is so real and Jesus is so real. Just pray that I will be bold for him!!
I love you.