Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Israel AGAIN in 2010!

LORD WILLING - We are Going to Israel AGAIN in 2010! I'm pictured here with my brother-in-law Phil McLain who serves as a Pastor in Nashville, TN. He will be leading the trip with me. Our hope is that October 31st -November 14th of the year of our Lord 2010 we will walk where Jesus walked and see where the stories of the Bible unfolded. This will be my 3rd trip to Israel and I think this is by far the best trip plan so far.

October 31 - Departure
November 1 - Arrival in Israel
November 2—Caesarea, Mt. Carmel, Megiddo, Nazareth, Cana, and the Sea of Galilee
November 3—Jesus boat Museum, Ride on Sea of Galilee, Capernaum, Mt. Beatitudes, Korazim, and Kursi
November 4—Golan Heights, Katzerin, Mt. Bental, Banias (Caesarea Philippi), and Tel Dan
November 5– Ein Harod, Beit Shean, Genesis Land, Camel Ride, and arrival in Jerusalem
November 6– Bethlehem: Church of the Nativity, Shepherd’s Field, and Ein Karem
November 7—Mount of Olives, Garden of Gethsemane, Pool of Bethesda, Via Dolorosa, Church of the Holy Sepulchre, and Mount Zion
November 8—Western Wall, Yad Vashem, Garden Tomb, and Worship in the Garden
November 9—Tomb of Prophet Samuel, Valley of Ayalon, Emmaus, Beit Shemesh, Valley of Elah, and Beit Guvrin
November 10—Judean Hills, Qumran, Ein Gedi, Massada, and stop at the Dead Sea
November 11—Leisure by the Dead Sea or you may opt (additional fee) to go to Jordan and visit, Madaba, Mt. Nebo and the Traditional site of Jesus’ Baptism
November 12—”Fountain of Tears” and Tel Sheva at Beersheba, and then back to Tel Aviv
November 13—Worship at Immanuel Church, and touring “Old Joppa,” and farewell dinner
November 14— Return home

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