Thursday, December 11, 2008

Dec 11, 2008 Israel The Pool of Bethesda

We entered Jerusalem this morning through the Lion’s Gate also called Sheep gate because it is the gate the pilgrims often entered with their sacrifices for the temple. Very near the gate entrance is the Pool of Bethesda (John 5) Hear Jesus healed the lame man. The lame and the sick were often left at this pool because they could not go near the temple. .. so the temple – Jesus Christ – came to them!! The word Bethesda means House of Mercy. The story of Jesus healing the lame man is a story of mercy. He could not get into the waters that the man supposed held magical healing power. He didn’t ask Jesus for healing … Jesus came to Him. He didn’t even know who healed him … until “JESUS CAME TO HIME.” Notice who is doing all the work here. MERCY is doing all the work. MERCY has another name. It is Jesus. He is the steadfast lover who comes to help us because we cannot help ourselves. He heals us, forgives us, helps us … not because we deserve it – but because of his MERCY. He comes to us directing and empowering us in a NEW life as a NEW WHOLE creature. Have you had a Bethesda moment? Have you recognized his coming and set out in a new direction with a grateful heart?

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