Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Transfiguration on Mount Tabor

We climbed about 1800 up from the Jezreel valley to the tip of Mt. Tabor... one of the sites tradition says Jesus may have been transfigured. The disciples had in essence finished their 3 years of basic training with Christ ... now they were about to head to Jerusalem to watch the one they loved be unfairly judged, mocked, ruthlessly beaten and flogged, crucified, and die. The disciples needed a sneak peek of the Glory of Christ. They needed strength to KEEP following the Savior to the cross... They needed strength to bear the crosses that would follow this ETERNITY SHAKING EVENT!!
Jesus GIVES US A VISION OF THE RESSURECTION REALITY ALL BELIEVERS IN HIM LIVE IN!! We are more than conquorers through ALL THINGS THROUGH HIM WHO LOVES US. Take up you cross and follow HIM!! He will give you strength... It will be worth it!!

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