Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Upper Room

If you could be in one place and only one place where the events of Scripture unfold where would it be?? Eden …. The call of Abraham … The burning bush of Moses or the Red Sea dividing … Pilates quarters for the trial and suffering of Jesus … Golgatha … The tomb of Jesus – where would it be??? I think I would choose a forgotten place – a place we often overlook the significance of. I would choose The Upper Room. What a powerful forgotten place in Scripture. There Jesus, the Lord of Creation dressed himself like a servant and washed his disciples feet. There the disciples celebrated the Passover with Jesus and received the Lord’s Supper. There Jesus gave the summary of his teaching and prayed the heaviest concerns of his heart before his suffering, death and resurrection. There the disciples sat confused and perplexed about the crucifixion and then the resurrection rumors. There the disciples witnessed the Risen Lord – touched Him – and ate with Him. There the disciples discussed the Lord’s ascension and waited for what he promised. There they travailed in prayer until at last the Holy Spirit and fire fell from heaven. There they returned exhausted and exuberant after a sermon by Peter and 3000 baptisms in one day. From that prayer base in Jerusalem and dynamic place of communing with the Savior – the disciples where used as mighty instruments through which Jesus built His church. Friends, we need to get back to the upper room. Unless we receive what the disciples received in that Upper Room we will not receive the gifts the Lord has for us… we will not be clothed with power for the supernatural work the Lord has for us to accomplish in His name.
John 7:37-39 Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. [38] Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him." [39] By this he meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were later to receive.

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