Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Israel - November 2, 2010

Today we began our journey on the beautiful shores of the Mediterranean in Tel Aviv. We went North up the coast to Caesarea Maritime and saw this amazing city that Herod the Great built. The city was built for the most part as a show piece for Herod's ego. It was adorned with marble and Roman Architecture. Even the ruins of the ampitheatre,hippodrome,palace,baths,and harbor are stunning... but they are just that - RUINS. Herod wanted his power and influence to last. But shortly after his death his kingdom crumbled. I put a message in the 1 minute video related to this. Casarea is rich in Biblical history. It the port for early Christians. As recorded in Acts 10-11 - it is here where Cornelius lived and Peter came to share the Gospel with him and his family. He believed and the Holy Spirit came on he and his family and he and his family were baptized opening the door for me and every other gentile who has ever lived to the blessings given to Abraham of forgiveness life and salvation. It is recorded in Acts 23 that Paul was taken here and held under guard in the palace from where he witnessed to Felix and others about Jesus our Savior before appealing to Caesar and being shipped to Rome. It is here where Herod Agrippa in Acts 12:19ff... gave a great speech and was call a God and since he did not give glory to God he was eaten by worms. ... Can you tell I like Caesarea Maritime?

From Caesarea we went North to Mt. Carmel were it is recorded in 1 Kings 18 that Elijah dualed with the prophets of Baal and God brought fire from heaven to consume Elijah's altar proving that our God is the only true God. From Mt. Carmel you can see a spectacular view of the Jezreel Valley where battle after battle occurs in the Old Testament ... it is the valley that sits in the shadows of Mt. Megiddo or in Hebrew Harmegiddo... also known as the valley of Armageddon.

From Mt. Carmel we traveled to Megiddo the city that cities at the crossroads of the North South East and West in Israel. It is a magnificent city that Kings for centuries used as a strategic trade and military center. 25 times the city has been rebuilt and still it is in ruins today. Two fascinating points in this city are the altar of uncut stones and the waterworks that tunneled over 300 feet through solid rock to get to the water source so that if the city were under siege it would not need water.

From Megiddo we traveled to Nazareth to see the area where Mary and Joseph and Jesus lived as Jesus was growing up. We went to Nazareth Village and learned about the culture of the people of Israel at the time of Jesus. The teaching in this place opened our eyes to understanding much about the parables and teachings of Jesus.

Check out the video message. It's the greatest gift of your life to be his forgiven child and be able to call Him LORD! Php 2:10 At the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, [11] and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.


Bola said...

Thanks for sharing this great historical view.Safe Journey back to all.

In Jesus' Open Arms said...

Thank you Bola!

Dawn Price said...

AWESOME!!!! What an adventure!!