Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Israel - November 3, 2010

Another Great Day in Israel!! Hallelujah.
We started the day at the Jesus Boat museum. They actually have preserved a boat they found from Jesus day... perhaps the same size that Jesus was in with his disciples when he calmed the storm. We then went on a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee. I have attached a video of our tour guide Sara explaining the deep HEART felt meaning that overwhelms you when you are floating on the Sea of Galilee. After the boat ride on the Sea of Galilee we went to the traditional site where Jesus gave the Sermon on the mount. The slopes in this area make this area abundant with natural ampitheatres for people to hear Jesus teaching that was always simply profound. I think all of us got goose bumps as we heard the sermon on the mount read and saw sparrows flying and the beautiful flowers all around. "Why do you worry ... look at the sparrow. Not one falls to the ground without the Father knowing.... look at the lilley of the field - not even Solomon in all his glory was clothed like one of these. O you of little faith - why do you worry. Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and everything else will be added to you as well." From the Mount of Beatitudes we went to Capernaum. We saw Peter's house that expanded over time as the church grew. We read stories related to the city of Capernaum... You could almost see the men digging through the roof to get past the crowd to our Savior!... Then Jesus saying to the crippled man, "That you may know the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins I say to you get up and walk!" ... and he did. From Capernaum we went to the Jordan to remember our Baptism. WE ARE HIS ... HIS FORGIVEN CHILDREN ... HIS BELOVED CHILDREN ... HIS AMBASSADORS OF THE GOSPEL.

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